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Call for Submissions 

There are two 120 minute and one 90 minute parallel sessions on the program.  
In the 120 minute sessions there will be three rooms dedicated to Oral Contributed papers, one (the Ballroom) to Invited Panels and one for the Poster sessions.  
In the 90 minute session there will be four breakaway rooms in use for Oral Contributed paper.



  • Each presenter has a total of 20 minutes, so the more time the presenter takes, the less time will be available for the Question and Answer session. Please aim to talk for no longer than 15 minutes to leave enough time for discussion.

  • A good guide for PowerPoint slides: aim to talk for 2 minutes per slide and include no more than 4 points on each slide

  • The chairperson of each session will be the presenter of the last paper in that session, so s/he will keep you to your time very strictly!



  • In each 2 hour session up to 11 posters will be presented, i.e. you will have at least 10 minutes for your presentation. The Chair of the session will know how many presentations there are in that session, and will limit the time for each accordingly. For example, if there are only 10 papers, each presentation can take 12 minutes.

  • In each case this time includes the Question and Answer session.

  • There will be a data projector and a screen in the room. The format will be a presentation of no more than three slides, followed by a discussion session.

  • The slides can be conventional, as with a (short) PowerPoint presentation, or you can design a single slide in the form of a poster if you so wish.


  • The chairperson of each session will be the presenter of the last poster in that session, so s/he will keep you to your time very strictly!



Please read these notes before commencing the submission process


The Agricultural Economics Association of South Africa (AEASA) is pleased to invite submissions for the annual conference in Somerset West, Western Cape, 25 – 27 September 2018.




All Oral and Visual papers will be submitted, reviewed and managed in a single process. The Paper Review Committee will decide whether a paper goes into the oral or the visual stream.


In order to submit your paper, you will need to adhere to the following rules:


  1. All papers must be submitted by 29 June 2018.

  2. Once you have submitted your paper you will not have the opportunity to revise the paper.

  3. Submitted versions of the accepted papers will be made available on AgEconSearch after the conference.

  4. Full papers must be submitted in Microsoft Word and must be anonymous and include an abstract of no more than 200 words.

  5. You will be requested to upload a second document which contains only the paper title and abstract in Microsoft Word. Abstracts of accepted papers will be included in the final programme.

  6. Authors will also be asked to describe the paper using at least three JEL codes.

  7. Papers must be no more than 8500 words in length, all included.

  8. Papers must be presented by one of their authors, and an author may present only one paper in an Oral session.

  9. The submitting author will also be asked to describe her or his personal fields of expertise using at least three JEL codes in order of expertise.

  10. Submitting authors will have to commit to the following:

  • That their work adheres to the strictest ethical standards. This includes a commitment that the paper does not cite articles published in predatory journals;

  • That they will review up to three other papers;

  • That the presenting author is, or will become, a member of AEASA;

  • That the presenting author will pay the registration fee before final acceptance of the paper on the programme.

Review process and results

The allocation of papers for review will be completed by 6 July 2018. Reviewers will be expected to submit their reviews by 23 July 2018.


The review process will result in submitted papers being (1) accepted for Oral presentation, (2) accepted for Visual (poster) presentation, or (3) rejected. The result of the review process will be circulated by 15 August 2018.


Papers accepted for Visual presentation will be presented in electronic format only. Electronic poster boards (screens) will be available at the conference. Presenters of Visual presentations (formerly called posters) will need to prepare and manage their presentations according to technical instructions that will be available on this website.





Proposals for Invited Panels will be considered at the same time as Contributed Papers. Space on the program for these sessions is limited, and the organizers expect to invite no more than 10 of these sessions. All proposals must be submitted by 6 July 2018 through the conference submission website. 
Organizers of such sessions will need to submit details on participants and a brief description of the proposed session. Proposals may include presentations that explore different, complementary aspects of a particular topic. Proposals that involve discussants with different points of view will be of particular interest, as are proposals that involve serious analysis of new, exciting and important topics. 

Please read these notes before commencing the submission process
Expressions of interest to organise such a session must include the following:

  1. A short title that clearly describes the theme of the session.

  2. Full contact information for the organiser.

  3. Names, contact information, and short bios of the proposed session participants.

  4. A brief description of the proposed session in no more than a 1 000 words, which should include:

  • A brief statement of motivation for the session

  • The potential audience

  • The proposed format of presentation bearing in mind that session that use innovative formats are especially welcome

The selection committee’s review will result in a proposal being (1) accepted, or (2) rejected.
The selection committee will reject proposals for which all the proposed participants fail to confirm their intent to participate. Acceptance of an Invited Panel for the conference program is contingent on all participants in the session being registered for conference participation and being members of AEASA. The result of the selection process will be circulated by 15 August 2018.
Please note that no member of the Association will be allowed to participate in more than two Invited Panels.

Enquiries – Prof Nick Vink ( and Prof Johann Kirsten (


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